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콘텐츠 제작사 노조 파업, 인종차별 교육 제한에 대한 반대 행동 본문
Joint Statement on Legislative Efforts to Restrict Education...
In June 2021, the Executive Council approved adding the association’s signature to the following statement, drafted by the American Association of University Professors, the American Historical Association, the Association of American Colleges and...
TRUTH BE TOLD Call to Action | AAPF
We invite you to our National Critical Race Theory Teach-In: What Faculty Need to Know about Classroom Censorship Laws on October 14 from 3:00–4:30pm ET. Our Teach-In will begin with an opening message from Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw followed by a p
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'Squid Game Affect > 초반에서 1019' 카테고리의 다른 글
다른 실뜨기, 10월 19일 (0) | 2021.10.19 |
<정부라는 최종심급과 문화냉전> (0) | 2021.10.19 |